Sunday, 19 August 2012

Found Map: Family Tree

'Map' of the claimants to the English Throne descended from Richard Duke of York. Found outside Mansion House Tube Station

Found Map of China

Map of China found in Liecester Square, London, near to 'China Town'

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Found Map: Southwark Bunker Wall Map

Southwark Bunker

Southwark's Derelict Cold War Nuclear Bunker.

Subterranea Britannica have a great write up of their trip down to the Bunker from 2001:

Monday, 19 March 2012

Found Map: Coffee

Found Map showing a particular chain of coffee shops in the Central London area, called Zeitgeist-London. I don't drink coffee, their 'different coffee experience' sounds like it might taste of coffee....

Found Map: Smollensky's

Torn map to Smellensky's bar I found on my way to work this morning....

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Found pencil

Found a pencil on the bus, did a drawing of the other discarded items under the seat

and of the rest of the empty bus 
(number 436 New Cross Gate to Southwark Town Hall)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Found Map: Hanover Gardens to Camberwell New Road

Time: 1 minute

Start out on Hanover Gardens
Turn left onto the A3
Turn right onto the A202
Arrive at 213 Camberwell New Road.

Distance: 0.06 miles

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Found Book: Cookery Competition

I found half a Cookery Book on Camberwell Grove. Bake me  cake from one of these recipes and join me for a picnic in Crystal Palace Park on Saturday 21st April 2012.
More info:

Found Book: Short Story Competition

I found half a bestselling novel on a the number 12 bus. Please finish the story for me.
More info:

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Found Maps: corridor at work

Rolled up maps of the World and the British Isles in a corner with some strip lights and brown paper in the fire exit outside my office at Mall Galleries.